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Job completed for Eden G.

Completion date: February 26, 2020

Location: Falls Church, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

Existing pump has failed completely. Inspection revealed excessive efflorescence in the right front and right rear corner with problems reaching toward the top of the wall. Existing drain flange to older drain system. CMU blocks are not drilled out to relieve hydrostatic pressure and do not allow groundwater to reach the drain system. 

Solutions provided:

SES will need to do the following:

Replace failed sump with new GrateSump 1/3rd HP pump.

Install new clear check valve.

Install new high water alarm.

Peel back drain flange to expose CMU block wall. Drill weep holes on right rear corner wall, rear wall 6 LF, all of the right wall and front wall out 15 LF. Re-attach flange with new fasteners and seal to the wall. Install battery backup system with inverter. Scrape/clean and vacuum the efflorescence, prepare walls and apply 2 coats of masonry waterproofing paint. 

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