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Job completed for Gilbert M.

Completion date: June 22, 2020

Location: Fredericksburg, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

Joists damaged due to plumbing problems. Floor sagging at base of staircase. Low clearance crawl space with excessive debris and animal feces in space. Restricted access to space. 

Solutions provided:

Pad 3 I-joists and install new 2 x 12 dimensional lumber on 3 joists. mechanically laminate to existing TJI joists.  Will attempt lift but cannot guarantee to achieve any lift but will stabilize. Replace kick plate beneath front entrance door. It is rotten and allows water to pass through. Replace with PVC and caulk to seal. 

Healthy Basement & Healthy Crawl Space Certificates

Our high standard of quality ensures a healthy basement with a Nationally Backed Warranty.