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Job completed for Harol S.

Completion date: January 6, 2021

Location: Arlington, VA

Why did the customer contact us?


Efflorescence noted around basement and water has entered over time. 


Solutions provided:


Basement is gutted for full remodel. Install GrateDrain system on front wall, right side and rear wall of basement. Includes full Heavy Duty Finish Shield from floor to ceiling. HDFS will be sealed to walls, at all seams and integrated with flexi flange to prevent moisture from entering living space. Install additional GrateDrain in bottom landing of walkout on rear wall and side wall and direct into GrateDrain System inside. Install new drain box in walkout and direct inside through dedicated line to sump liner. Includes installation of Grate Sump 1/3rd HP pump with liner, check valve and high water alarm. Floor will be finished with high strength concrete with flush ports for servicing installed in floor. Discharge out right side of home past front most shrub to direct water away from home. Installation includes heavy duty battery with inverter to prevent issues during power outages.

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Healthy Basement & Healthy Crawl Space Certificates

Our high standard of quality ensures a healthy basement with a Nationally Backed Warranty.