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Job completed for Ralph D.

Completion date: July 29, 2021

Location: Fairfax, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer had moisture in their crawl space.

Solutions provided:

Removal of old soiled vapor barrier from crawlspace floor to include rodent droppings, removal of old batted insulation from subflooring.
Disinfect crawlspace for any bacteria, parasites, or hantavirus. Mold treatment remediation for back rear left of crawlspace at floor joist and spot treat throughout to kill and isolate mold or fungi growth Appearing on wood. Plate and air seal foundation vents within crawlspace, air seal rim Joist at top of foundation wall with spray foam. Dig out and move dirt within crawlspace to fill hole / and other low lien points. Build a box form around footer at front right center of crawlspace where erosion has occurred opening up Penetration gap allowing water and moisture to flow under and pour concrete and butt against foundation wall in order to allow flow of water incoming to drainage discharge sump. Dig out around perimeter of footer and crawlspace and install Fast drain drainage tile to include port cleanouts in the corners of crawlspace. Install dimple shield drain matting over floor and up foundation wall to grade and then install 12 mill vapor barrier to floor and up foundation walls to grade fastening by sealant tape which is waterproof and foundation screws. Install 11 mil or r11 foam board insulation to foundation walls including vapor barrier to run over top of walls, overlap and send tape to vapor barrier from floor of crawlspace. Dig out foundation vents on front exterior right of home at crawlspace so it is not below grade and allowing water to enter crawlspace. Dig out crawlspace floor and install crock/liner, basin for sump pump and then install 1/3 hp sump pump to include cutting out foundation wall with bore to extract water through discharge line on right hand side of home, install a sub compact dehumidifier which is a Santa Fe and hook up electrical designated outlet inside of crawlspace.

Healthy Basement & Healthy Crawl Space Certificates

Our high standard of quality ensures a healthy basement with a Nationally Backed Warranty.