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Job completed for Fu Mei W.

Completion date: October 1, 2021

Location: McLean, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer needed waterproofing solutions for their crawl space.

Solutions provided:

Area next to small crawlspace is allowing water in along cove joint.
Exiting partial drainage system with improperly installed electrical, no check valve and a failed pump.

Remove floor shelving, 24 inches up wall and install GrateDrain system along entire wall. Tie into existing sump crock.
Install new FastSump
Install check valve
Install high water alarm.
Install proper electrical receptacle by a licensed electrician
Redo discharge line out of basement with new drain box on side of home, flush installed in soil.

Healthy Basement & Healthy Crawl Space Certificates

Our high standard of quality ensures a healthy basement with a Nationally Backed Warranty.