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Job completed for Amy R.

Completion date: November 18, 2021

Location: Annandale, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer had a clog in their walkout drain.

Solutions provided:

Abandon and seal existing drain line and install new square drain box in walkout floor. Includes atrium drain cover and serviceable box.
To provide redundancy in the event of sediment clogging SES will install a drain grate in front of the doorway.
Run both lines to FastSump pump with liner to right of rear doorway at rear wall and demo existing clay sump pit.
Includes check valve, high water alarm.
Run discharge along rear wall to right side wall and discharge out into right side yard, 7-8 feet into drain box in soil.
To prevent issues in the event of a power failure a battery backup system with heavy duty inverter will be installed.
Customer understands that regular inspection and maintenance of drain box is needed to ensure water will flow freely.

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