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Job completed for Kent D.

Completion date: March 14, 2022

Location: Alexandria, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

Customer needed sump pump for driveway.

Solutions provided:

Address water concerns with driveway that slopes toward home.
Cut concrete approximately 2 LF from garage door and install drain grate.
Excavate and install driveway drain grate across entire width of driveway.
Excavate and install deep sump with trash pump.
Run discharge line to 3 inch line along right side of driveway in soil. Terminate in drain box in soil and install low baffle to promote water moving toward apron. Customer may reapply mulch when work is completed.
Electrical receptacle to be installed by licensed electrician.
The trash pump can deal with solids but the customer will be responsible for maintenance of the drain grate to keep leaves and other debris out plus inspection and clean out of the sump crock as needed.

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