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Job completed for Bryan B.

Completion date: July 18, 2022

Location: Fredericksburg, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

Customer needed gratedrian system.

Solutions provided:

Right rear wall near well has elevated moisture in wood and walls plus customer noted water on floor. Around rear and side walls showed moisture readings above 18% throughout indicating water vapor and some bulk water issues.
Customer will demo walls and any furring on CMU walls. Customer will also be responsible for removal of shower enclosure.
Install GrateDrain system on right side wall in basement kitchen. Customer will have base cabinets removed. This includes full Heavy Duty Finish Shield on all walls from floor to ceiling integrating with GrateDrain system.
Install FastSump with liner next to wash basin on other side of bathroom wall.
Electrical receptacle will be installed by a licensed electrician.
Install check valve, high water alarm and 12 volt battery backup system.
Run discharge line through basement, front crawlspace and out left side to drainbox in soil off left side of home, 5 LF from home.
To deal with any possible water issues install round drain boxes in each window well, pipe through foundation wall and down into GrateDrain system. Seal entry points for pipes.
Install AprileAire E100 dehumidifier and shelving to accommodate system under stair case. Customer already has receptacle installed. Discharge condensate to pump at air handler.

Healthy Basement & Healthy Crawl Space Certificates

Our high standard of quality ensures a healthy basement with a Nationally Backed Warranty.