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Job completed for Colin W

Completion date: June 6, 2018

Location: Manassas, VA

Why did the customer contact us?

Mr. Wolfslau called because he has water pooling in window wells of his home.

Solutions provided:

Water has entered the basement in the window well and through a crack at various locations. Recommend installation of drain box inside window well, carry water down into the foundation drain system.

Install FastDrain systems approx 35 LF along rear basement wall, stopping at the right-hand side of the window frame. Includes a 1’ Reinforced HDFS strip up the concrete block wall to facilitate drainage into the system. Weep holes will be drilled at the pockets to also facilitate drainage.
Install Grate Sump at the left corner under storage shelf. Water discharge will be above the shelf and out to daylight along the left side of the home as facing and to the right of the chimney. Discharge into the rock drainage system approximately 12 feet from home.

Includes full battery backup system with inverter and 12V deep cycle battery.

Healthy Basement & Healthy Crawl Space Certificates

Our high standard of quality ensures a healthy basement with a Nationally Backed Warranty.